Three Series 2009

I remember as a young girl watching my father paint and my mother cook—the two creating works of art. Since then I have been drawn to all forms of creativity, whether it be sculpture, painting, music, nature, or even being a wife and mother. Looking back I can see how God surrounded me, and filled me with a love for beauty, whatever sort.

One year ago, after the illnesses and deaths of my late husband and parents, I found myself, with only their memories. And with my children now grown, a bitter-sweet inspiration was born from this painfully unfamiliar place. Within me there was a longing to articulate something, something that, for me, could only be expressed through painting—so I began my journey.

I had no definitive plan or design. All I had was this deep desire to express the roller coaster of emotions of the past year. So as I lay the paint and materials on the canvas, three figures emerged, then the color green. Obviously it represented the three people I lost, and green—symbolizing life. Because they are alive, in another form perhaps, but still alive. I carry them with me everyday; they inspire me, comfort me, and beyond the boundaries of life and death, they love me.